Welcome to Multilayered!

I'm Vanja Vukelic—a writer, self-taught artist, and mother. I love writing and drawing and being in communion with the natural world.

For a long time, I kept my war and refugee experiences to myself, convinced they wouldn't relate with others. The belief that sharing these stories might hinder my sense of belonging in the world kept me silent. This newsletter is my way of breaking that silence, granting myself permission to honor and voice all the layered aspects of myself, past and present.

I am here because I love to write more than I love most things. Although English is my second language, it's one I've adopted as my inner voice. I write to practice, to understand, to feel, to refine, to connect, to envision, and to give permission.

I write to show my son how writing is necessary to me. I want him to respect the art and the time it takes to do it. I want him to see me doing what I love so that when he discovers what he loves, it will be easy and effortless to say yes to every calling of his heart. I write to forge a space that's slow and wholly authentic.

I write to be of service. I write to challenge the forces of patriarchy, capitalism, and other oppressive systems.

I write to be available for what wants to come through me right now.

My letters are free for everyone to read and my hope is that they will nourish, liberate, and inspire you.

Writing is my life’s calling, and I put a lot of effort into it. I believe in paying people for their work, especially in creative places where artists and writers aren't valued enough. If you enjoy this newsletter and find it inspiring, I would love if you consider a paid subscription.


  • Full Letters, Archives, and Audio Notes

MONTHLY USD$5/month CDN$7/month

  • Reciprocity for the work I share.

  • Full essays and the entire archive.


  • I'm incredibly grateful for your unwavering support.

✦ Every new edition of this newsletter goes directly to your inbox ✦

I plan on sending letters whenever I feel spacious and don’t make promises about my writing.

Ways to Support me :

Email: vanja@vanjavukelic.com — I’d love to hear from you.

Subscribe to Multilayered

A newsletter that delves into the diverse dimensions of human existence, from the extraordinary to the everyday and everything in-between.


Mother, artist, imagining radical new realities by writing honestly about personal experiences, thoughts, and the intricate layers of life.