This letter is a continuation from my last publication. It’s a very small scroll that makes me think : what if we all wrote a list like this? It's really necessary, really fun, and it's really all within our reach. We just need to write it and share it and live it together.
wake up really slowly
dance and stretch every single day (a few times a day)
make a list of everything that brings you joyÂ
do everything that brings you joy
when you think of someone, send them a loving note, or make them something
cook at homeÂ
learn something you’re afraid to learn or you’re uncomfortable withÂ
begin doing everything you know in your heart you should be doingÂ
stop doing everything you know in your heart you should be doing
be slow, present, and extremely sweet with your children, and all children
always say how you’re feeling
make no assumptions
nurture all your relationships
make art, offerings, gifts, food, and potions for people in your life
ask for what you need even if it feels really challenging
don’t make excuses; go to places you’re invited to!Â
don’t try to master things you’re not good at
drink water and make healthy superfood smoothies every day
walk barefoot and scream out loud when in nature. Also, sing, whisper, and giggle
remember, right now, you have everything you need
hold and hug your loved ones very close, very tight, and give them extra long attention
grow a garden and share the harvest with others
get your feet and hands earthy, your belly pressed against fertile soil
give compliments to plants, hug trees, and bring offerings to the land
verbally acknowledge others’ kindness, efforts, generosity, presence
visualize your magical future
always do what you say you’ll do
trust yourself
trust others
take an extra long chamomile bath when you think you have no time
forage for nettles, dry them in the sun and make nettle infusionsÂ
forage for dandelions, dry them in the sun and make a body oil
say no often
say yes often
when is the last time you kissed your shoulders? Your hands? Knees?
offer a random act of kindness to someone as often as you can
donate something really important and special to you
go for walks every single day
get naked and fill your whole body with light for a few minutes a day
practice courage
become a better listener, ask questionsÂ
practice radical receptivity
ask your body questions and listen attentively for answers
eat soupÂ
sing in a shower
experience the joy of letting people support you
talk to everyone about everything you loveÂ
tell the people you love exactly what you love about them
hold hands with your kids, lovers, friends, familyÂ
make choices that feel aligned with your heart
show up
go to a public library and read a few pages of an empowering book
find freedom in uncertainty
go for as many days without make-up, perfumes, deodorants, etc.
hold yourself and others accountableÂ
reveal yourself
admit that you don’t know something
learn the difference between your needs and wants
make love
give yourself permission to make mistakes and be human
pee when you need to pee, don’t hold it in
bring a small gift to the person in your community you see often ( grocery clerk, delivery person, bus driver..)
learn how to build a fireÂ
learn how to mend a hole in socks
learn how to bake bread
make art for no reason
prioritize your health and wellness, and the health and wellness of your family and community ( humans, animals, land, all living communities )Â
cultivate inner authority
divest your need to prove yourself through hard work
create meaning in your life that has nothing to do with consumerism
build alliances
walk or bike as much as you can instead of driving.Â
check social media only once a day if you have to
seek collaboration over competition
be vocal about your anxiety, depression, pain, grief, confusion,…
refuse to attribute a financial amount to your worthÂ
consume less of everything
spend time not working without guiltÂ
amplify voices that have been silencedÂ
return the crystals you bought back to earth
find and build communities
set your intention for the day every morning
learn the importance of initiations for yourself and your children
make art and gift it often
lay in the grass and listen to the birds chirping
know when to step away
define clear boundaries
learn something new about yourselfÂ
protest the changes you don’t like
remember: your kids, your art, your health, and your connections matter more than your workÂ
lock yourself in a room and sleep all day
tell yourself you love yourself, that you’re worthy, every single day, a few times a day
be mindful of how you spend your time
be of service and support to the elders in your life and communities
honor your inner voice
keep yours and others’ stories alive
the most precious gift you can gift yourself and others is time. time is not money; time is love
If you're feeling inspired, I'd love for you to share a few ways you believe we can thrive outside of capitalism in the comments below. Let's explore together and imagine a world beyond the confines of traditional systems that no longer serve us.
A few things that come to mind on how to thrive outside of capitalism:
1 move your body more than you think you have to
2 practice being gentle with yourself and others
3 rest frequently
4 learn how to listen (and respond) to the signals your body is sending from within
5 support small, local business
6 spend as much time as you can in nature
7 do the things you love for the sheer pleasure of doing them (not for any kind of future attainment)
8 ask "How can I love you?", instead of "Why don't you love me?"
9 tell your friends how proud you are of them
10 collect acts of kindness, not titles and houses
Thanks Vanja, for starting the list. <3
1.) write, even if you don’t think you’re good at it
2.) jump in the ocean without worrying if you’ll get your hair wet
3.) help take care of your childhood home when visiting
4.) sleep with the window open sometimes so the sun can wake you up
5.) draw something that you’ve taken a picture of