Mar 6Liked by Vanja Vukelic

I bursted with tears after reading these lines:

"My father couldn't believe I was taking my son to the pro-Palestine protest, and people questioned this in my DMs. But if 2.5-year-olds can be targets of genocide, then they can also be protesting, learning, and absorbing with their entire being the astronomical power of community."

I also am a mother of a 2.5 year old, a girl, and currently pregnant. This second child was conceived around the beginning of this genocide and this great dark heartbreaking chapter of human history has been part of this pregnancy. At the same time, within this same pregnancy, my heart -first broken for the children and the mothers- has expanded, has become more strengthened and liberated than ever before (and was not a weak one before all this either).

Thank you for your writing. You have put exact words to describe long trail of thoughts and deep feelings of our current reality, and although we are quite far and on different walks of life, this too is an example of how to activate the power of soul community through the same tools that this system has used to disconnect and desensitize us.

Freedom to Palestine, to all children and to all souls.

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I appreciate your heartfelt comment and love how the truth of our words has beautifully connected us across distances. I can imagine the pain and the expansion while pregnant has been a lot to hold and navigate during these changing times. So many initiations happening at once. We are only growing stronger, more clear, and awake. Thank you for being here. Love to you and your family <3

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Mar 6Liked by Vanja Vukelic

Dear Vanja,

What a great and thought provoking essay. I am also mother to a 2.5 year old and the line "The primary motivation behind this severing is to make sure that our vulnerable, impressionable children have no roots and no belonging in the world, which leads them to seek a surrogate father or mother as their new authority" really struck me.

Thanks as always for your work <3


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Thank you for reading and the resonance Charlotte. Time to keep our babies close more than ever <3

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This post reminds me of a book I read, "Don't Leave Your Friends Behind" which dives a lot into stories from radical parents on the importance of including children in movement spaces and the importance of non parents to help include children in these spaces. Def recommend that anthology!

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I love this recommendation - thank you <3

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