I feel less alone in my sensitive nature through your words. Thank you for sharing your heart 💟

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Thank you for saying so Julia, this is the reason I write.

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It's sad that us adults tend to forget that crying can indeed make us feel better . Crying comes easily to me too , and I try to be strong , but sometimes it is better to let things flow .

Thank you for sharing your story , it makes my crying feel less lonely.

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Thank you for sharing as well! It's always so good to let things flow, to be in the flow, to be human <3

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Left hook, uppercut, & a knockout punch.

You reminded me I need to cry more, even though I’ve dried a few times already this week.

Your voice note on Radiance spoke to me. I’ll be watching for it, and probably start a Radiance Journal to keep track.

“When we are radiant together, we’re unstoppable. (And I’m down for the count…)

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I love this Steve. Made me chuckle! We should all start radiance journal together.

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So so so beauty-filled, healing, connecting and potent beautiful Vanja - sister. Thank you for sharing your vulnerability, your divine experiences and your creativity here with us all, in your writing and in you offering ~ beautiful sound session. I love it and love you and your radiant creative beauty, and most importantly, your authenticity. It is refreshing and so powerful to witness and to receive. Thank you! x And, yes, I still remember the amazing Thai massage session you gave me many many moons ago when we met, and love your sharing (in the sound session) of all the things that have you feel radiant, I feel this too! xxx So much love and joy in receiving your sacred words today, that I know each one of us can and do relate too. Tears are such pure sacred medicine, waters from our heart that truly revitalise and 'wash' the heart and Soul. I love my tears too, and journeying into new layers of vulnerability and connection with these moments and this part of my being, is something so alive and real for me right now too. Love you. Thank you. :) xxx

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Ah, my friend, it's been so many years since we met, and how amazing that our first and only meeting made us feel so close and connected, especially with that memorable massage session! I'm grateful for your heartfelt words and the recipe book you shared with me, I revisit it often. I hope we can meet again one day, cook, massage, and share our tears of connection. Your beauty-filled, loving, and authentic presence is a gift. 🤍

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aww, thank you beautiful Sister, :) and yes, just that one meeting - I feel so grateful and thankful to the Universe and stars for. ...Aww, and that is really precious, to hear that you have revisted the book over the years, thank you for sharing this. :) I would love for that to unfold too --- cooking, massage sharing, tears, connection, dancing and sipping tea... appreciating you and so in awe of your all-ness, beauty, and generous sharing. Thank you! x x x So much love! x x x

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Vanja Vukelic

Te abrazo y uno mi corazón al tuyo en puro amor ❤️❤️❤️

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Muchos abrazos! <3

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Vanja Vukelic

Crying besides you! 🩵💧 and your voice! Like velvet.

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Ah to cry together, we need to feel that power, that softness, that connection 🤍

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