This was so beautifully expressed. I felt so much resistance to launching a website I spent months working on while Palestinians couldn't even get a good night's sleep because of warplanes constantly whizzing above them. Promoting my services feels so trivial when so much blood is being shed without tax dollars, yet capitalism makes it so that I have no choice. It's suffocating.

And I, too, used to post cute photos of kitchen creations, but it feels like continuing as if nothing has changed feels impossible. Feels so dismissive of the collective trauma.

Anyone who hasn't yet figured out that all art is political...I pray for them.

Thank you for your work. <3

P.S. The sweater is perfection! I will be grabbing one soon.

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It's incredibly difficult to focus on personal projects when such immense suffering is happening around the world. The juxtaposition of trying to survive in a capitalist system while witnessing such horrors feel suffocating. Thank you for your support, and I'm glad you like the sweater! Your words mean a lot to me. <3

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May 21Liked by Vanja Vukelic


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Love and respect beautiful sister. Resistance is the highest form of art 😉🥰

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Thank you for reading! Sending love 💕

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